It wouldn’t be much of a Black Op if the U.S. government came right out and said “yeah, we’re totally making modified super soldiers.” Also check out that futuristic/totalitarian-ish Great Seal of the United States.

It’s pretty clear that not everybody’s so gung-ho about cybernetic enhancements.

The trailer draws a pretty heavy line between performance-enhancing drugs and cybernetic limbs. How far are you willing to go to achieve greatness, et cetera et cetera.

More of that athleticism subcurrent – and getting basketball-specific ocular implants does seem a bit shortsighted.

Glad to see Edward Snowden’s cloning program was successful, and he’s still blowing whistles in 2065.

This soldier’s cybernetic eyes are cooler than the rest of his head, so he’s literally staring coldly at you.
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