Look up the word “workmanlike” in the dictionary and you might see a boxshot of Treyarch’s Call of Duty: World at War. The game earned good, if not astounding, ratings from critics and sold amazingly well — just not enough to match Call of Duty 4. Treyarch has spent the better part of the past decade in the shadow of that game’s creators, Infinity Ward, listening to fans and media refer to them as the “B-team” in charge of the “off-year” Call of Duty games, but this year’s game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, marks the first chance the studio has ever had to truly own the Call of Duty series.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Getting their start with the series in 2005 with Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, Treyarch truly stepped into the spotlight with Call of Duty 3 in 2006. Receiving merely average reviews, the team couldn’t quite capture the magic of Call of Duty 2. When Infinity Ward reinvented the series in 2007 with CoD 4, fans expected Treyarch’s follow-up to continue on in the same vein as the early games in the series, and World at War’s WWII setting enhanced that perception. WaW certainly trumped CoD 3, but couldn’t quite hit the heights that IW turned out every two years.

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