Black Friday deals

Thanksgiving is now just a day away here in the United States, but what many people are looking forward to is the crazy shopping day that ensues the following day. Videogames are, as always, a hot Black Friday item, and there is no shortage of deals on our favorite hobby at a variety of retailers, both of the brick-and-mortar and online variety. As is becoming a more and more common occurrence, many of these deals will actually kick off on Thanksgiving day, if they haven’t already.

Below is a look at many of the deals you’ll find at some of the nation’s biggest retailers. It’s by no means a comprehensive list, but it does consist of the vast majority of the advertised deals from the retailers we’ve covered. GameStop, annoyingly enough, hasn’t released its Black Friday ad yet; fortunately, an anonymous employee has done us the service of sharing the deals with Cheap Ass Gamer anyway so we can plan ahead.

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