My good buddy Candice told me about a new site she was going to be working for a few weeks back, and to expect a “grand opening” very soon. First thing that pops into mind is a store grand opening with free food. It’s what I expect. However, there’s no food. Not even a free burger…not even a coupon to something local. Just this promo video.

Anyways, some good friends from Sarcastic Gamer broke off of the site to start up a new thing known now as Big Red Barrel. This group has always been very supportive towards The Gamers Garage for many years, and we hope you, our readers and listeners, will show support right back by clicking here and checking out their new site.

From the entire group here at WouldYouKindly, we wish you the best with your new site!

P.S. They don’t even have free Nachos. What kind of Grand Opening is this!?

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