Developer: Supergiant Games
Publisher: Warner Bros, Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: Out Now!
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points ($15.00) PC: TBA





While small companies sometimes prove they always can carry a huge hammer, One thing is certain Supergiant Games brought a full stick in Dynamite and decided to blow us away.

First things first you start off as a character named The Kid. The world around you was destroyed in a Calamity, and your goal is to reach a main station of the game called the Bastion. During this trip the game gives you a very well produced sound track and narrative set, with a man with such a smooth voice, he could sell me body wash by the truck loads. Your actions dictate the narration, not so much the progression as it is almost predetermined.
One of the key things I do in fact enjoy about this game is its straight forward progression. As most try that approach with puzzles to slow the pace, this game allows itself to be fast, giving you quicker chance to upgrade your weapons, and abilities. In a terms like Dark Cloud but not so much so, you are given a small town to build off of and or progress. Every level grants you a chance to explore more levels, and new upgrades. The main game play experience is what you would call a fresh and classic style almost to the point of a NES (Nintendo entertainment system) game producing that classic hey come pick me up and play style.

The art style and overall graphic design of the levels, characters is so breath taking to stream past. Seeing hand drawn levels is something that is a rare treat to see talented artists sit down and actually put effort into their craft. Every color and setting is ether faint or blunt and bold giving that you feel the mood of the area and can tell if sorrow is present, or pain. Damage done to you is shown on the screen as the hue and brightness goes dim giving you the range to know, Pump some Potions!

Now here is the part of the review most readers want to hear from most journalists is pure honestly when it comes to flaws and degrades to the title. While the list of problems can not even stack to the quality of the game, here are the issues off hand. Frame rate issues only ever play a small role in this game, at least for our experience in the game. In large groups of spawning enemies slight spikes were apparent in our gaming vision. While this is perhaps a complain to those who like to just find issues with games and plea this is the game breaker, who cares? A game is for playing if its working, then it is what it is intended to do. Now if you pay top dollar for lets say a car and it comes with no tires, no breaks, and no steering wheel, yes that is a cause to place the end all to be all of making that car almost useless until you install those parts. With Bastion, the only thing I saw missing was some change from the cigarette tray. The product at hand over all was a spot on gaming exercise that provided us with hours of playability. The other part that slightly degrades the final score is yes, the storyline is not as bold as you would truly want if you hear the Genre name: Role Playing Game. Some key points of the story were however told during some arena game play, also through some progression of the straight forward game itself.

In Closing: The game has a lot of things riding for its over all presentation, while levels are pretty short to be fair and to some, linear. The music score is deep and has great depth to the sights featured in the game, cut scenes are that of slide shows offering little story to a big adventure. To the developers credit there is a lot of content to unlock and find. You think you are done one minute, there is dozens of hours more to find. Most critics think they seen it all in games published of this genre, and well this game will give those opinions a run for their money.

Overall: 9.8

  • +Gameplay
  • +Music
  • +Awesome weapons
  • +Sexy Narrator Man’s Voice
  • +Presentation overall
  • -Storyline slightly lacked
  • -Lag spikes in critical areas

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By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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