Lets Long play: Batman Arkham Asylum 1-6
Hello folks, DanVanDam here wanting to share with you guys my progress through my third play through of Batman AA, Warning all Spoilers included. PART 1 Part 2 Part 3…
News, Reviews, and all things Gaming!
Hello folks, DanVanDam here wanting to share with you guys my progress through my third play through of Batman AA, Warning all Spoilers included. PART 1 Part 2 Part 3…
Developer: Zombie Studio’s Price: UK £10, US $15 Platforms available for; (PC) Steam, Windows Live Store (XBOX 360) XBLA (PS3) PSN Tweet
Coming soon to the Steam Client is a well quite interesting “Guitar hero” meets “Audiosurf” Clone. granted it has two elements from those games, we had our hands on the…
While alot of us at the Daily Gamepad are true retro gamers through and through we valve it when a developer constructs a game that brings us back to the…
Blacklight: Tango Down is now upon the XBLA crowd and the intense, hyper customizable old school blast-a-thon from UTVIgnition is proving very popular indeed! Please find attached a newsblast promoting…