

We’ve been big fans of cult strategy game Auralux for some time now, but one of our major complaints of the game is well— it was only intended for owners of Tegra-based devices. Fortunately, those of you out there who have been hankering to get in on the great action will now have a shot as Auralux received an extensive update which not only features expanded features and stability enhancements, but now owners of any Android 3.0+ device can finally get in on the action as the game is no longer limited to Tegra-based devices.

In case you aren’t familiar with the basic game concept, Auralux allows gamers to begin campaigns with one type of unit upon one planet and the end goal is to send your units to other neighboring planets with the hope of taking them over. The basic premise of the game allows for hours of addictive gameplay, but as an added treat, there is a new level pack that has been tossed in with the update for even more awesome potential. Oh and lest we forget— there’s third-party controller support, so if you find that playing with the touchscreen doesn’t strike your fancy, you’ll have at least one alternative to choose from. Sweet.

The update is now available in the Play Store for all Android 3.0+ devices— tablet or smartphone. You’ll want to make sure that you have at least 33MB of free storage space in order to run the game, but trust us— the download of this game will be worth it.



Play Store Download Link

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