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For years, I’ve been a pretty annoyed Twitter user. Usually, I give a startup a pass if they focus more on their iOS app, understanding the need for them to focus their engineering talent on a platform they deemed more important (even though I don’t quite agree with that line of view).

Twitter weren’t worthy of that pass in my eyes for two reasons, one being that they’ve been around for, like, forever, and secondly because they keep putting up fences making it difficult for people building better clients than theirs to exist (like Falcon Pro). I mean, for all their engineering talent and resources, they could on implement a ViewPager in their app this April?

Thanks for adding a viewpager to the Android app, @twitter, even if you should have done this two years ago

— Raveesh Bhalla (@raveeshbhalla) April 4, 2013

After Paul Stamatiou (a designer at the company) wrote his Android is Better blog-post, I was hoping to see more love from them for their app. Thankfully, they’ve responded, with the new Galaxy Note 10.1 demoed at IFA containing a tablet-optimized version of the app.

The folks at were amongst those who spotted it, and have shared the apk with anyone who wants to get their hands on it. Visit their website for the link and the instructions (in German).


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