Developer: Alexander Bruce

Publisher: Demruth

Price: $19.99

Release Date: Jan 31ist, 2013 (Out now)

 Buy it here: PC (Steam)

Art. Art is what I can clearly describe what I just experienced. With time can come great rewards. Patience gifts the waiting. This game itself, is a gift to gamers who love to sit back and enjoy the game. Frankly games of today’s standard seems to be into this motive to make you rush along on a rail. This game sits back and allows you to construct solutions. The style of this can be easily described as a Metroidvania, meets portal. Simple in textures, however still looking sharp and straight forward. Applying colors(Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red) only to highlight what needs to be seen. While the game itself does not have story, it does not need one. You have a goal, it is to figure out and clear room by room, puzzle by puzzle til you can reach “The end”.

The game play is sharp and tight controlled out of the box. You are offered no weapons other then guns with a certain color. Each color grants you new ways to control colors or previous that you unlocked. Mentioning too much about what does what would ruin the process for gamers out there so keeping it brief. For what it is, you can not help but to have to study your surroundings. Carefully making sure you did something right or are going the right way.

Along the way you are offered signs, for of which give clues or just random misleading crap. The physics in the game are attractive. So much so I would ask the blocks if they had a sister but would lead to me being disappointed by the rejection. You are offered a main lobby, for which you can track your progress and read older fragments of signs you witnessed as you trekked along.

In Closing:

As I would mention more about this game, such as puzzle games you got to give some hype. And let others follow in hopes the direction gives them a fine reward in listening to your opinion in this case. The game is fresh, crafted with careful thought and a lot of attention to detail. With smooth frame rates, and cleaver twists and turns. You may think you understand the game at first then it will play with you til you think like the breast you are trying to slay. There are no monsters in this adventure, well there is is your own mind. As you think you got the right solution, but then the game gives you 50 other paths to take. In tradition like Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. You do back track a lot. Giving the game a bit more length in this shortcut to gaming. I had to rewrite this review 5 times in order to make sure I carefully did not leave any ends to give you easy answers to this game. As I feel as people need to solve these things and feel self gratified doing so.


I give this game a reward, a reward for being awesome!


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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