Android Etch

Back in October, we told you about Android Etch, an Indiegogo campaign set on using lasers to engrave the Android Bugdroid logo on as many goods as possible. Joshua Munoz, the company’s founder, is no stranger to engraving the Android logo on pint glasses, previously using a chemical rub to do so. While cheap and easy to do, the problem with this method arises when you’re looking to crank it up a notch and mass produce them. Time and consistency then become an issue. To solve this, Josh took to Indiegogo to seek funding for a laser engraving machine which would fulfill his small company’s dream to professionally etch the Android logo everywhere.

The Android Etch project was partially funded a few weeks back, allowing Josh to use the funds raised to get started. Backers will be happy to know that Josh purchased his laser engraver a few weeks ago and has been doing what he does best, etching the Android Bugdroid logo on pint glasses, with lasers (pew pew pew). Android Etch tells us that they were working extremely hard to get these pint glasses out for Christmas, as some backers were planning on giving them out as gifts. The wait is finally over, backers are starting to chime in that they’ve received their perks as promised. Did you get yours? Let us know in the comments. 

Android Etch Shipping

If you missed out on the Android Etch pre-order campaign and would like an Android etched pint glass, soon the new company will be launching an online store for fellow Android enthusiasts. We’ll keep you updated.

Merry Christmas!

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