
With the Chromecast stealing the show yesterday there have been a few subtle changes that came with the 4.3 update that may have gone unspoken. One of those changes happens to be to my favorite camera feature, the Photosphere. With the update, stitching and alignment are said to be much better. This will lead to less errors while giving you more level horizons. On top of that exposure compensation for each frame are improved. This should allow more even toned sphere’s in the future. I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to that issue being corrected.

Of course, as of this writing Nexus devices are the only ones that can benefit from these changes while Google Play editions should get the updates here in the coming weeks. Here’s hoping that they’re able to extract a working apk for the rest of us non-Nexus toting folks out there. While the camera apk that was leaked from the 4.3 GPe leak earlier in the month gave everyone a chance at snapping Photosphere’s of their own, it’s unclear if it has these improvements baked in. Either way we should start seeing better rendered sphere’s here on out. I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to it.

source: Evan Rapoport – Google +

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