Good morning!

The short version:

  • Location reveal for Bleeding Grove
  • Screenshots below or available for download on Google Drive or via archive.
  • What’s coming up for Akaneiro’s beta: Advanced character training, Weapon improvements, and the Shivering Pines.

If you or one of your writers want to get in and check it out, please let me know. We’re letting in previewers with no embargo.

The Bleeding Grove Revealed

“Bleeding Grove Orchard”

Once a thriving fruit orchard and farming community, Bleeding Grove was hardest hit when the Demon Wolves were loosed upon Yomi Island. Now the dead lay strewn among the neglected orchard rows, rotting alongside their abandoned harvest. Beyond the orchard lies a cave, once the den of a local wolf pack. It is unknown how they exactly succumbed to demonic corruption or what befell the great Alpha wolf – Moroko. Perhaps the den holds some evidence of what truly occurred, and who is responsible.

These are just a sample, get all the screenshots from Google Drive or via archive. If you played in the beta earlier, I also included screenshots of the latest improvements to the interface and UI, to give you an idea of how far it has come.

What’s Coming Up For Akaneiro’s Beta

Advanced Character Training
The next major update will include a slew of new ability levels to train in – adding more varied and powerful versions of those already available. Poison coating for your caltrops? A “shocking” upgrade for your Steady Shot? Options galore, as long as you’ve got the Karma. In addition, you’ll soon be able train in Weapon and Armor Mastery, adding passive benefits when using specific weapon and armor types.

Weapon Improvements
To further differentiate our weapons, we’ll be adding area damage based on weapon type. This means a weapons will hit multiple enemies depending on the range they provide – you’ll be able to sweep aside enemy groups with your Great Maul!

Shivering Pines
An unnatural winter has fallen over this isolated corner of Yomi Forest. Each day the deathly cold spreads further, freezing lakes and farmland. The Red Hunters must venture through the veil of frost and biting wind, find the origin of this curse and destroy those behind it.

Still in development, Shivering Pines will bring a completely new environment style to the game – along with a new tribe of imps who wield frost magic.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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