The Last Guardian

A lot of us here at 1UP had a bad feeling in the pit of our stomachs leading up to this year’s E3. We tried to
ignore it, even going as far as to convince ourselves that our long-gestating fears would be alleviated when
Sony took the stage at their press conference. At some point when the lights were dim, we’d finally see
another glimpse of The Last Guardian, the final installment in Team ICO’s thematic trilogy. After a half-
decade wait, we’d finally get some concrete details on the Shadow of the Colossus follow-up, possibly even a timeframe as to when we’ll be able to get our hands on it.

And so the lights dimmed on Sony’s press conference, two hours passed, and the house lights came back
on. We were left with a whole mess of thoughts regarding what Sony had shown, but more importantly,
we were left reflecting on what was absent. Without even the slightest mention of The Last Guardian, our
greatest fears inched ever-closer to becoming a truth; the game will never be released.

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