From machete swords to highly corrosive acid spit, check out what each class has in store so far.

XCOM 2 comes with a plethora of new soldier and alien classes, each equipped with their own unique set of skills to take into battle. Join us as we take a look at each and every new class and what they have to offer.

The Ranger

The Ranger is a close-ranged combat expert that comes equipped with a machete sword and an assault rifle or shotgun. Depending on how you stat into this class, it can either be made to become a full-on damage dealer or an agile scout. But the main highlight here comes from the class’ machete sword, which when paired with the right skills, can make him/her into a lethal close-ranged offensive machine.

The Specialist

The Specialist is a versatile soldier that acts mainly as a support class, but can also be upgraded to take on other roles, such as objective or enemy control. He/she comes equipped with a handy drone called the Gremlin, which has its own special set of skills. For instance, it has a skill called Intrusion Protocol that allows it to hack and control robotic enemies. Whatever your preference, the Specialist can be a valuable asset to your team.

The Sharpshooter

Those who played the original XCOM: Enemy Unknown will probably remember the god-like power of that game’s Sniper class. That class has returned to XCOM 2 as the Sharpshooter. But this time around, the Sharpshooter has proficiency in not just sniper rifles, but with pistols too. Two separate trees for each weapon divide the approach that you can take with this class, allowing you the freedom to either stat into one weapon or go into both to create a Sharpshooter with a powerful mix of long-range and close-range attacks.

The Chryssalid

The dreaded Chryssalid returns to XCOM 2 with some slight changes to their attacks and tactics. Different from previous games, this vile creature’s attacks are now all poisonous. What’s more, any soldiers who perish from being poisoned will turn into cocoons, which upon hatching, will spawn three more Chryssalids in its place. To make matters worse, the Chryssalid can now burrow into the ground, further increasing their frustrating unpredictability.

The Muton

XCOM 2’s version of the Muton is just as brutish as ever in close-quarters combat. But thanks to the genetic splicing of human DNA, this hulking extraterrestrial has become more intelligent than ever before. Given new skills like Suppression, which allows it to reduce the aim of their targets, and Alien Grenade, which deals damage to groups of soldiers, the Muton can easily get the upper-hand over you if you’re not careful.

The Viper

New to XCOM 2 is the Viper, a lethal humanoid snake woman who can be a vicious pain to your unit’s backside. She comes equipped with an assortment of different skills, such as spewing corrosive acid spit or using her tail to ensnare and strangle your soldiers. But the worst of this comes from her horrifying tendency to use her tongue to drag your soldiers out of cover. So unless you have a plan, the Viper is not an enemy you want to go anywhere near.

The Sectoid

The classic Sectoid is back again in XCOM 2, albeit a bit different from how you might remember it. Much like the Muton, the Sectoid has been spliced with human DNA, which in turn has improved the power of its psionic abilities. The Sectoid can now use a host of new skills, like Psi Reanimate to bring your fallen comrades back from the dead to fight against you. Additionally, it can even use a skill called Mind Spin, which is a randomized dice roll of sorts that can inflict different status effects upon your soldiers.

The Berserker

If it’s anything we’ve learned from XCOM: Enemy Unknown, it’s that the Berserker is an enemy that you don’t want to touch you. This hasn’t changed in XCOM 2, seeing as she’s still an immense force that can decimate your units. Though from what we’ve seen, she’s much tougher and faster than ever before.

New Enemy Class: The Advent Administration

Ever since the alien forces defeated humanity at the end of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the world has been under their control for nearly 20 years. As a result, a part of the human population succumbed to their rule. This gave rise to the Advent administration, which is a force of humans who loyally serve the aliens and fight against all threats to their world order.

Advent Troopers

Advent Troopers are XCOM 2’s run-of-the-mill grunts. As the first enemy type that you’ll run into, these soldiers will be what you’ll spend most of your time gunning down when there aren’t aliens or Advent Captains around to worry about.

Advent Captain

While Advent Troopers are simple goons to take care of with the right coordination of attacks, the task becomes much more difficult when in the presence of an Advent Captain. This is because this special enemy class is outfitted with skills that increase the effectiveness of the lowly Advent Troopers in their command. Just by the presence of an Advent Captain alone, the Troopers are given a boost to their aim and attack power. So if you value the lives of your unit, it’s a good idea to eliminate any Advent Captains on the field as soon as possible.

Advent Mech Mk. II

The Advent Mech Mk. II functions much like the MECs introduced in XCOM: Enemy Within. Durable and powerful, they don’t use cover and instead focus on assaulting your troops by any means necessary. They can often be a nuisance to groups of soldiers due to the destructive power of the micro missile that they come equipped with.

Advent Turret

The Advent Turret is a stationery mounted gun that is typically affixed to Advent vehicles. While designed to fire at your unit or any other targets it considers hostile, the Advent Turret can be hacked into by the Specialist’s Gremlin drone to assist you instead.

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