Fallout Shelter, the mobile Fallout game developer Bethesda released in June on iOS devices, is finally coming to Android on August 13.

Bethesda announced the news during its Fallout 4 presentation at Quakecon today, and it revealed that the game will launch alongside a big new update.

The update adds Mr. Handy, the Fallout robot assistant, to the game. Although it’s not clear how players will acquire the robot, Mr. Handy was revealed as an award of some type. The robot will move around your Vault and collect resources automatically. You can also send Mr. Handy into the Wasteland to explore, and he will defend your Vault from attackers.

In addition, there will be more kinds of attacks and several new enemies. Deathclaws, the iconic creatures from the Fallout universe, will now attack your Vault much like Raiders do now. Molerats will be a new infestation, as well, second to Radroaches.

This update will launch concurrently on both iOS and Android when the game is released on Android devices. Check back on GameSpot for more Fallout news coming from Quakecon today.

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