Simulator First Person SandBlock Game


Mojang Specifications

Retail 20.00?

when you see this name you think of orcs, and building defenses against armies.
Well you remove 80% of that, and bring in your own creativity and survival skills thats pretty much the game.

Your main goal is to ether build a Shelter from alot of nasty things like “creepers”, when to everyone  else their called zombies. Anyway, also Spiders, Skeletons, are the main creatures you encounter during Normal+ modes in the game. You got your standard FPS controls in this game being WASD, and the number buttons to swap to your tools, or assorted materials that are required to build anything in the game. From Building or Crafting together Shovels,
Axes , swords, bows and arrows, Pickaxes to break into the land. The enemy AI is that of just plainly trying to come at you,  in a turn of  a events you actually collect resources like Feathers, Dust, Silk thread and Arrows from to keep your self going. My Over all opinion on the Game play, is its solid, the game play is what you make it out to be from the Man made tunnels
to the over whelming Monsters. Which if those are too much for you, just set it to Peaceful Mode to be in a more of a Casual Mode.

You are stranded randomly in a land in which materials like trees, animals and Ores are located all over the map. Overlooking this game you see and construct that this game is a 8 bit bucket of legos that can stay in place or fall apart.  To some this, might turn away those who are spoiled FPS Junkies who get more of graphics then game play in their games.
But to most its about the experience to over counters any look of a game. the Game is expandable due to te world gets as large as you explore it or til your pc memory leaks. Giving the game a Large and interesting expansation to explore and build on.

Music and Sound:
Simple, uninspiring for now,and basic is what comes to my mind, but for one guy to pretty much slap together its fine for what it is. But also we are looking at a game in its beginning and should not expect a 45 person Opera chorus, yet. The sound effects on the other hand are good, and let you know when a resource like Water or a enemy is close by and allows you to shift out of the way.

Over all:
for its reshaping stage from being a simple Open-Sand-Block-Game, Yes I said Block due lets face it, there are alot of freaking blocks to be had here! Its shaping to build a huge community who are very open to share their designs and their Creations. To a long story short, the game is Addicting and can lure you into 5am sessions of not realizing it. Its worth the Buy to support the creator.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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