First Impressions of Halo: Reach Xbox 360


Sep 19, 2010 #360, #a Wall. The enemy, #A wall. Yes, #after playing a few hours of both Offline and mixed online modes, #and compelling of plot from many war games and it gets knocked down a peg for creativity. I seen many of these things from the older Halo games and I wont lie that I felt the older Halo games were ok-, #and really crappy Russian accent) Were joyriding up a mountain and we came into a gauntlet of some Grunts, #and various other enemies skipping around. So we pick them all off but 2, #broken AI through the Campaign. Example: Kat (the bimbo with the Robotic arm, #but as far as that Vine swing. The game deserves a pat on the back, #but for me I know I am a excellent shot and every single Kill shot I went for were killing blows. One last thing for guns for me, #but this is a work in progress for mindset on the game., #but with this game its a Skill Perk you use with pre-made weapon sets with the online modes as well as the offline mode. Now call me captain obvious but would not it been more useful of enable it so y, #First, #half way across the map smoking a blunt and drinking a 40 with its other friend while discussing the last seasons of True Blood and Dexter. Not caring we were there. So I ran towards the objective, #Halo, #hoping the AI would notice I was trying to beat the game. But nope, #I did not have a major complaint other then one thing. Other FPS games out there have had the Running feature as a common thing, #I will state one thing clear as day. Its a Good game so far. A few flaws I already seen across the board however, #Impressions, #Iron sights!!! But I digress, #like a cheap piece of plastic that you might as well hope you taken out the sniper with your bare hands then had to shoot the man. Now some of these claims to most of the players on Halo will seem mor, #not a Handjob Gold Medal. Over all I still need to play more of the game before I can give a honest and full opinion about it, #not Amazing. I seen these traits of story, #now for my final opinion about the game. The game is good, #of, #Ok coming into this I will state, #one being that Tank like skill named Armor Lock. Why would any idiot sit in the middle of the war field hunched over like he was getting it in the ... turkey baster. To me they could have came up with, #Reach, #so the enemies mind you are out of her range and my range so therefore no need to screw with them and the objective updates telling us to move on, #the Drop Shield was more then plenty for Protection. Now the last thing I glanced at for this game was mostly the guns. Is it me or are these guns very underpowered or I just not some auto aiming head, #the dumb bimbo was repainting that same wall with her bullets. Apparently a monster wall ate her arm off or something. Controls were fine for me, #towards the enemies randomly slurring off battle cries and trash talk like a random 13 year old on online mode. Thinking on my toes I stared at her in Awe at the pure broken and foolish AI before me w, #what does she do? Run into a wall, #Why cant we aim down the sights of most of the darn things? If I wanted to hip fire I would take my chances in the middle of a forest with dozens of bears raging at me for better results. Come on Bung, #xbox
Finally, Fanboys do not have to preorder another Fan service based Title! *wipes sweat*

Ok coming into this I will state, after playing a few hours of both Offline and mixed online modes, I will state one thing clear as day. Its a Good game so far. A few flaws I already seen across the board however, broken AI through the Campaign. Example: Kat (the bimbo with the Robotic arm, and really crappy Russian accent) Were joyriding up a mountain and we came into a gauntlet of some Grunts, and various other enemies skipping around. So we pick them all off but 2, so the enemies mind you are out of her range and my range so therefore no need to screw with them and the objective updates telling us to move on, what does she do? Run into a wall, towards the enemies randomly slurring off battle cries and trash talk like a random 13 year old on online mode. Thinking on my toes I stared at her in Awe at the pure broken and foolish AI before me was trying to attack, A wall. Yes, a Wall. The enemy, half way across the map smoking a blunt and drinking a 40 with its other friend while discussing the last seasons of True Blood and Dexter. Not caring we were there. So I ran towards the objective, hoping the AI would notice I was trying to beat the game. But nope, the dumb bimbo was repainting that same wall with her bullets. Apparently a monster wall ate her arm off or something.

Controls were fine for me, I did not have a major complaint other then one thing. Other FPS games out there have had the Running feature as a common thing, but with this game its a Skill Perk you use with pre-made weapon sets with the online modes as well as the offline mode. Now call me captain obvious but would not it been more useful of enable it so you had that without it being some sort of Scout trait or am I just missing some stupid and out of place point here.  Now again the other other perks were ok to me, one being that Tank like skill named Armor Lock. Why would any idiot sit in the middle of the war field hunched over like he was getting it in the … turkey baster. To me they could have came up with a better skill or not have it at all, the Drop Shield was more then plenty for Protection.

Now the last thing I glanced at for this game was mostly the guns. Is it me or are these guns very underpowered or I just not some auto aiming head shooters like the rest of the crowd. The Shotgun does not even really feel like a balanced shotgun more like I need to pump 6 into a man to knock his lights out on the field. The MA37 Assault Rifle feels like how it looks, like a cheap piece of plastic that you might as well hope you taken out the sniper with your bare hands then had to shoot the man. Now some of these claims to most of the players on Halo will seem more like whining then anything else, but for me I know I am a excellent shot and every single Kill shot I went for were killing blows. One last thing for guns for me, Why cant we aim down the sights of most of the darn things? If I wanted to hip fire I would take my chances in the middle of a forest with dozens of bears raging at me for better results. Come on Bungie, Iron sights!!! But I digress, now for my final opinion about the game.

The game is good, not Amazing. I seen these traits of story, and compelling of plot from many war games and it gets knocked down a peg for creativity. I seen many of these things from the older Halo games and I wont lie that I felt the older Halo games were ok-in-my-book game series. Seeing Bungie close the book and move on for the series was a more then smart move due to alot of flack and self respect knowing their talents can be pushed for more games and universes.  Halo Never made the FPS genre flip upside down for much more then Fan service and competitive gaming, but as far as that Vine swing. The game deserves a pat on the back, not a Handjob Gold Medal.

Over all I still need to play more of the game before I can give a honest and full opinion about it, but this is a work in progress for mindset on the game.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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