Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity

Besides revealing Phantasy Star Online 2 at the Tokyo Game Show this week, Sega of Japan also announced a host of extras for Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity. The updated version of the recently-released PSP game will include all-new levels, an additional playable race, and… Colonel Sanders?

That’s right; KFC’s long-deceased founder and current mascot will be appearing in Sega’s handheld RPG. Famitsu snapped several photos (via Joystiq) of the Colonel in action, apparently assisting players as an AI-controlled party member.

So Sega and KFC have taken to necromancy in the name of product placement. Yeah, it’s exceedingly weird, somewhat disrespectful of the actual Colonel Sanders, and way more overt than your usual in-game advertising. On the plus side, historians thousands of years from now will likely remember the Colonel as the undead war hero who slung searing-hot chicken skins in the face of dragons.

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