[UPDATE] Sony has now released The Interview online for rental or purchase. You can watch in on YouTube, Xbox Video, or Google Play.

The original story is below.

Just days after US President Barack Obama criticized Sony Pictures’ decision to cancel the theatrical release of controversial movie The Interview, the film company has reversed its decision. The movie, a James Franco/Seth Rogen satire that depicts an assassination attempt of North Korea’s leader, will indeed come to theaters through a limited release, Sony announced on Tuesday.

“We have never given up on releasing The Interview and we’re excited our movie will be in a number of theaters on Christmas Day,” Sony executive Michael Lynton said in a statement. “At the same time, we are continuing our efforts to secure more platforms and more theaters so that this movie reaches the largest possible audience.”

“The people have spoken! Freedom has prevailed! Sony didn’t give up!” — Seth Rogen

Sony originally scuttled plans for a theatrical release after major movie theater chains said they would not show the film in the wake of threats of violence. The FBI has since linked North Korea to the widepsread hacking against Sony Pictures, though the country has officially denied involvement in the case.

Two theaters so far have announced plans to show The Interview: The Plaza Theater in Atlanta and The Alamo Drafthouse in Dallas.

You may not need to visit a theater to watch The Interview, however, as The Hollywood Reporter has heard from a source that Sony is also planning to release the movie on Christmas Day digitally. It’s unclear what platform Sony would use to do this, though those details are expected to come soon.

Following Sony’s announcement today, key creative people behind The Interview spoke out on social media to praise the decision.

Thanks to everyone who didn’t give up on our movie! @Sethrogen & I are humbled & overwhelmed by your support. Hope you enjoy the film!

— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 23, 2014

The people have spoken! Freedom has prevailed! Sony didn’t give up! The Interview will be shown at theaters willing to play it on Xmas day!

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 23, 2014

VICTORY!!!!!!! The PEOPLE and THE PRESIDENT have spoken!!! SONY to release THE INTERVIEW in theaters on XMAS DAY!

A photo posted by James Franco (@jamesfrancotv) on Dec 12, 2014 at 10:26am PST

The Sony Pictures hack has seriously tarnished the entire Sony brand in terms of consumer perception, according to a recent survey. For more on the hacking fallout, head over to GameSpot sister sites CNET and CBS News.

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