White Knight Chronicles

The fabled PSP version of PlayStation 3 RPG White Knight Chronicles, which we reported on back in June, is finally beginning to step into the light a bit. Sony Computer Entertainment revealed a few more choice details behind the game in this week’s Famitsu magazine, including the full name of the thing: White Knight Chronicles Episode Portable: Dogma Wars.

What’ll be most interesting to those who played the PlayStation 3 WKC is the setting. Episode Portable is set a whopping 10,000 years before the original WKC and its Japan-only sequel, long before Leonard uncovered the titular knight and saved the world from the revived empire of Yshrenia. In the PSP game, the original Yshrenia is still in existence, and they’re busy fighting the Dogma Wars, the conflict that spawned the giant Incorruptus robots…erm, sorry, magical suits of armor that were the centerpiece of the PS3 game’s plot.

Details are a bit skimpy on what the PSP White Knight Chronicles plays like, but chances are it won’t stray too far from the original’s formula. Like in the first WKC, you’ll create an original avatar character before anything else, someone who’ll join your party in the single-player campaign and later take center stage in the online component. There’s a variety of new clothing and the like to outfit him in…and that’s about all Sony is saying right now.

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