Developer: Rogue Entertainment
Publisher: Night Dive Studios

Where to buy:

There’s a lot of times that I pick up a game I played from my childhood, and wonder how in the world I beat the game when I was young, let alone completed it. Strife is one such game that will make you doubt yourself as a gamer. Was it just dumb luck that you were good at games such as this as a child? Or were you just some young genius who lost his touch over the years? Well regardless, Strife: Veteran Edition is a redone version of the original 1996 classic that features improved graphics, some bug fixes, and a couple new game modes. At only a 10 dollar price tag, I was a little skeptical going in on if this would be worth repurchasing. Does a game released in 1996 hold up today?  Well, yes and no.


Anyone who has ever played Doom will be pretty familiar with the basic setup of the game. What made this game different at the time was how they tried to add some RPG elements, making you want to improve your overall stats and obtain otherwise unobtainable weapons. That being said, I remember when I was younger encountering a couple different game breaking moments. One in particular was picking up the chalice too early would completely break my game save, having every guard shoot at me constantly. Sadly during my first play through I encountered this same bug again, leading to some rage inducing moments. Thankfully, the internet is a wonderful thing and was able to follow through a walk-through to make sure I did not encounter the glitch a second time. I had to re-do the story at least 3 different times to realize grabbing the chalice was what was making the guards shoot me. Was not fun and will not ride again.

As far as the enhanced visuals go, they are not too shabby, considering this is only a 10 dollar title. Don’t go into this expecting a total remake however, this is just a minor visual overhaul. It does look dated, but in that nostalgic, 90’s PC sort of way.  If you like overthrowing a corrupt government, you may want to give this game a look. Work with a secret organization to overthrow a government with a lot to hide.  While it is no 5 star story, it is a nice touch to play a doom style game  with at least some kind of story.

The music is still as good to listen to as it ever was. The music in this game will nail exactly what you are doing. About to head into a heavy firefight? The music has you covered to make you feel like you are going into war. This is what I remember most about my childhood playing through strife and it still sounds as good as ever. The voice acting is still performed well, and honestly has better voice acting than most big budget games today. It was one of the best aspects of this game, and finding someone who actually spoke was always a nice treat.


Never thought I would look like this guy getting older.

Multiplayer is a pretty fun experience, as there are many ways to kill your opponent. Again, if you enjoy the 90’s style computer games, you may really enjoy the multiplayer and I encourage you to give it a shot. For only 10 dollars, you get what you pay for.  With a grenade launcher that can kill you if you do not plan your launch right, it can lead to some funny moments. Well, rage moments too. Plenty of those. While not very in-depth, it still offers a fast paced shooting alternative.

With multiple endings, it does offer some replay value. Just don’t be expecting  the greatest story ever told, as it’s a 90’s computer game, and the stories for those games at the time were not very developed. If you enjoy a game that makes you always think about what you are doing, Strife is one of the best budget purchases you can make. While it may not keep you as engrossed as some titles today, it still holds its own as one of the best PC shooting games I have ever played.


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