
Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ), a video game charity that raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation by speedrunning games, on Thursday announced plans for its efforts in 2015.

The 160-hour AGDQ 2015 will run January 4-10, 2015, and it will never stop. The event itself will take place at the Hilton Dulles Airport Hotel in Herndon, Virginia, while you can watch online through the AGDQ Twitch channel.


For those unfamiliar, speedrunning is the process of playing through a game as quickly as possible. Speedruns are particularly fun and sometimes bewildering to watch because they require expert skill, lots of planning, and sometimes the use of tricks.

“AGDQ 2015 gives these runners not only a chance to show off their skills, but to do so with the aid of the inclusive speedrunning community,” the group said in a statement. “It’s a get together of talent, friends, and commentary–all from a big comfy couch.”

Some of the games to be played at the 2015 event include classics like Banjo-Kazooie and Commander Keen 4-6 and newer titles like Dark Souls II, which will certainly be a fun one to watch given the game’s famously punishing difficulty. 2015 will also see the return of Awful Games Done Quick, with titles like William Shatner’s TekWar and Sneak King making appearances.

You can see the full schedule, which includes more than 150 games, at the AGDQ website.

Last year’s AGDQ event raised more than $1 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

“The gaming community has shown a deep compassion, and Awesome Games Done Quick looks to further strengthen the charity of gamers worldwide,” the group said.

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