Wolfenstein 3D being one of the more, if not iconic staples in the FPS genre line up, almost all of the games were usually great, good, or fairly fun. In this game, I will give you if it fits into one of those slots of true to the series. Or just another name-sake cash in.

Ok, so I was very anxious to play this game, as it reminds me a bit of a throw back to intense games like Rise of the Triad, meets brutal Doom, meets your typical military shooter. As more then anything else the game is much like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and the self titled Xbox360, PS3, and Windows. It had a fairly solid premise, acting like a Metroid style game, with your share of point A to point B missions. What stood out was the gameplay over all, and the theme, but was no where near being a amazing game, simply good. This time around W:TNO carries a gripping story vs the other games, well other then Return to Castle Wolfenstein. So far through the game, it kept me interested in progressing as you follow around William “B.J.” Blazkowicz. A thing you never really felt before was the emotionally dept person B.J. was. Through out the story you can hear him narrate his progress throughout each stage in a gritty perspective, other then being some brute with a ham hock neck and massive muscles. Each cut scene follows into the gameplay where you are brought up to speed with the who and the wheres.

Everything in W:TNO looks great on the PS4, with a rare case of slow downs. Weapons are in a kept grid of once you pick up a gun you have it forever, until you die and need to go back and get the gun again, or simply go to a check point to save it to your inventory. Dual wielding weapons in this game makes a interesting slash, but at the same time makes it sorta pointless, when simply aiming down the sights with better accuracy seems like the better option. I do not doubt people would love this idea, but more me it felt clumsy, and wasted more ammo, specially seeing I was on Uber difficulty. Every bullet counted as I knocked down the nazi scum bags.

In closing, so far the game is leaving a fantastic impression on me. IT gives me the old school vibe of shooters with that modern presentation, which is not as bad as you would think. I got this game for twenty bucks, which was a fair price for this game if you want it now, I would recommend playing it on its hardest difficulty. Challenge yourselves, ya damn cowards~

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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