amimono teaser

All kinds of unlikely subjects have been turned into videogames (farming, amusement park management), but knitting has yet remained unconquered…but perhaps no longer? Sony has posted a teaser site for an unnamed new game, with a countdown timer leading to Wednesday night. And so far the only two clues to go on both revolve around — yup — knitting.

The site shows a looping animation of a dapperly dressed man knitting in low lighting, with two other men hidden deeper in the shadows to his side. What’s more, the page is titled “amimono,” which translate into “knitting” in Japanese. No other clues are given, so it’s unclear what team within Sony is even behind this mystery title.

So okay, the moody lighting and dapperly dressed men more than likely suggest the game won’t actually be a knitting simulator (although imagine the possibilities of using two Move controllers as knitting needles), but rather they’re using knitting as some kind of bizarre metaphor at the moment. A metaphor for what? Your guesses are as good as ours for now. All will be revealed Wednesday night, so check back in then.

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