A revolution is a fight to death between the future and the past.

Stream Dream, a Devolver-published documentary about the rising tide of game-streams and streaming celebrities, is available 33% off on GOG.com. That’s only $3.99 for the first 3 days.

In Stream Dream filmmaker Rob VanAlkemade (Training for the Apocalypse, What Would Jesus Buy) pairs up with Devolver Digital to (rather hilariously) investigate the booming democratization of the gaming media via the suddenly hugely popular and important YouTube and Twitch streamers such as Pew Die Pie, Smosh, Angry Joe, and more. How have these personalities, who have gone from shows in their bedrooms to Beverly Hills studios and Disney representation, changed the way people learn about new games from big publishers and indie developers alike? And how are they tied to the wave of new global indie development talent changing the landscape of content creation for games? Will money and fame spoil the party?

A stream a day keeps the doctor away, so grab Stream Dream for only $3.99 on GOG.com, and follow our very own Twitch channel at Twitch.tv/GOGcom!

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