To go along with our selection of NBA Jam as our Together Retro Game Club title, I thought it would be fun to see what everone’s favorite old-school sports titles are.   (The only restrictions for nominations were that they games were N64 or older and not include standard racing or wrestling games).
We had lots of nominations, but I narrored the list down to the most popular 30 titles — each of these titles actually had more than one nomination.

To go along with our selection of NBA Jam as our Together Retro Game Club title, I thought it would be fun to see what everone’s favorite old-school sports titles are.   We had lots of nominations in the forum, but I narrored the list down to the most popular 30 titles — each of these titles actually had more than one nomination.  (The only restrictions for nominations were that they games were N64 or older and not include standard racing or wrestling games)

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

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