Gun Loco

Xbox 360 owners have a new third-person action game coming from Square-Enix in 2011: Gun Loco. The newly announced game has a unique look and the press release claims it brings an “all-new approach” to third-person shooters.

A press release describes the game as a “sprint-action shooter” with a third-person perspective. What that means isn’t explained in great detail, but it is mentioned that as you pursue enemies or are chased by them, you’ll neeed to run, jump, duck, and vault around the environment, which makes this sound a lot like a shooter-heavy, multiplayer Mirror’s Edge — though all we have to go on at this point is the company line and a handful of screenshots.

The game takes place on a remote planet where criminals from across the universe are imprisoned. Factions fight each other through seven “climate zones” as you visit the ruins of previous cilivizations.

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