lookout_mobile_featureLookout Mobile Security‘s research has found that 63% of people just can not keep up with mobile technology. In a study group of more than 2000 people, one in three of them depend on someone who has a great deal of knowledge in the field. And of those that depend on a “Tech Hero,” 75% will turn to them for advice on what smartphone or tablet to purchase. These mobile tech-savy individuals may have accounted for $2.8 billion in the third quarter of 2013.

To reward these “Tech Heroes,” Lookout is holding a contest on Facebook. All you have to do is head over to their page and nominate your go-to for mobile technology. From there, nominees receive votes and become eligible to win prizes. The grand prize winner will be announced on January 7, 2014 and split $2,000 with their nominator. Leading up to that date, nominees will be randomly selected as winners for a few different devices. The four weeks prior will feature two Nexus 7 tablets, two Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watches, and two Samsung smart TVs.

You can find the Facebook page here. Hit the break for a video.

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Lookout Celebrates the Tech Experts Among Us; Launches Nationwide Search for “Tech Heroes” To Help Consumers This Holiday Season


This holiday season, 45 million smartphones are expected to hit shelves1. The results of a nationwide study commissioned by mobile technology leader Lookout and conducted online in October by Harris Interactive among over 2,000 U.S. adults finds that 1 in 3 people depend on “Tech Heroes,” or tech-savvy individuals, to make mobile purchasing decisions and provide advice on mobile technology. According to the survey, 75 percent of those who have a “Tech Hero” would seek out their advice when buying a new smartphone or tablet. In fact, Lookout estimates that these “Tech Heroes” could potentially have an influence on $2.8 billion worth of smartphones shipped in Q4 of 2013*.

Mobile is moving at a rapid pace. More than 56 percent of Americans agree they would love to have someone they could go to for help or advice on mobile technology. While smartphones are well designed and provide great user experiences, they offer so much functionality they can be complex. Survey findings show a deficiency in peoples’ knowledge of mobile technology: Nearly one in three (31%) admit they regularly make mistakes with mobile technology, and 46 percent of those who deal with mobile technology say getting comfortable with it (e.g., setting up a new smartphone, tablet device) often takes them hours.

To aid consumers, today Lookout is launching a nationwide search for the next “Tech Hero.” This holiday season, Lookout is celebrating the people who make technology connections happen: a friend who gives the best app recommendations, the IT administrator who rescued photos from a lost phone, even a kid who helps point out where the power button is located. People around the country can nominate their “Tech Hero” between today and January 6, 2014. One Grand Prize “Tech Hero” winner will be announced on January 7, 2014, receiving a total of $2,000 to split with their respective nominator. Lookout has also built an easy-to-use handbook designed to help people get started with a new smartphone. People can learn how to set up a new device on any type of phone, fix a cracked screen and how to conserve battery life.

Additional key survey findings include:

  • Nearly one in three Americans (31%) feel pressured to keep up with the latest mobile technology.
  • Over one-quarter (26%) of Americans agree they waste a lot of time trying to set up new gadgets/devices they received as a gift.
  • Of those who have a “Tech Hero,” and would seek them out for information regarding the purchase of a new smartphone or tablet, 99 percent would be at least somewhat likely to purchase a product their “Tech Hero” ultimately recommended.

“Tech Heroes” come in all ages. While common belief suggests tech experts are typically among younger generations, 37 percent of Americans say their “Tech Hero” is between the ages of 31-45, while 33 percent say they are between 21-30. Interestingly enough, 21 percent say their “Tech Heroes” are 46 years old or older.

To sign up or nominate someone to be a Tech Hero visit the contest home page or to access Lookout’s easy-to-use guide visit the Tech Hero Handbook.

About Lookout

Lookout builds security software that protects people, businesses and networks from mobile threats. With the world’s largest mobile threat dataset and the power of 45 million devices, Lookout proactively prevents fraud, protects data and defends privacy. Lookout secures the mobile experience for people everywhere through Lookout Mobile Security, a consumer app, and Lookout for Business, a cloud-based business offering for device security and management. Lookout was selected as a 2013 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and has offices in San Francisco and London. For more information, please visit www.lookout.com.


This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of Lookout from October 21-23, 2013 among 2,033 adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact [email protected].


To estimate the purchasing power “Tech Heroes” have during Q4 2014, we looked at the estimated number of smartphones expected to ship in Q4 2013 (45 million) and the percentage of people who say they have a Tech Hero and would allow their mobile purchasing decisions be influenced by said “Tech Hero” (25% of adults age 18+), and then multiplied these numbers by an average price of $250 per smartphone.

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