
It was back during Qualcomm’s LINQ developer conference in September that the company — normally known for making the mobile processors that power our smartphones and tablets — unveiled their all new consumer product, the Qualcomm Toq. Last week Qualcomm finally gave us pricing and a release date for the Toq, officially arriving on December 2nd for $350.

Today Qualcomm announced that the device is now officially available for pre-order from their Toq Store, where it will ship in 1-3 weeks. Credit cards will only be authorized at the time of purchase, the charges only taking place after the device has shipped.

Qualcomm Toq angles

While it’s still too early to judge if the Toq will be a success, it’s clear Qualcomm is taking a much different approach to the smartwatch than “kitchen sink” offerings like the Samsung Galaxy Gear. The Qualcomm Toq has a clear focus: provide users with a simple companion device to the smartphone that can deliver quick notifications, while offering multi-day battery life. Sounds like a winning combination to us.

Of course, whether or not consumers will smell what Qualcomm is cooking — and for that $350 price tag — is another story entirely. Something tells us the niche device isn’t targeting mainstream success (can’t imagine you’ll ever find one at your local Walmart). If they can work that price down a smidgen, we definitely be all over it. Until then, wearable computing isn’t for technophiles on a budget.

Pre-order: Qualcomm Toq

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