Most of this weekend we have been covering a lot of videogame-related stories to come out of Comic-Con. Funny thing is, we really haven’t had a chance to cover all that is Comic-Con — videogaming takes up a small part of the five day event, but it’s presence has been growing steadily every year. So when we had a chance to meet up with Gears of War 3‘s Cliff Bleszinksi, all we wanted to talk about was the Con itself. Yet, videogames still found a way to seep back into our brief conversation.

1UP: We’re tired of talking about games and just want to geek out with you about Comic-Con.

Cliff: This is my favorite convention of all time now. I love E3, I love games. But the thing is I have a mult-tier personality. I am a renaissance man of nerdiness. Growing up I loved comic books, movies, and videogames and I just happened to land in videogames.

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