Here’s your weekly Message From GOG!

Wednesday is the day dedicated to Odin, the Allfather. Thursday, the day we released Rune Classic, is the day dedicated to his son, Thor, the champion of Asgaard. Today, it’s Firday, the day dedicated to Frigg, the Mother Goddess of the North. Tis’ a happy day, a day of celebration of prosperity and homestead. That basically means, you get to get out of work or school, go home, enjoy a good meal, and finally play some games in peace! So, just to set the mood, here’s a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven’t already, you might want to follow the channel on YouTube, so you don’t miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.

Also, check out our Rebellious Reduction weekend promo. You can get Ground Control 1&2, Evil Genius, Moonbase Commander, Empire Earth games, Sniper Elite, and many more 60% off until Tuesday, October 29, 3:59AM GMT. Don’t miss out!

That’s not all! There’s more to see, this week! Remember our Witcher Flash-fiction Compo? Here’s a dramatic reading of the 10 winning entries, as preformed by our very own Enigmatic T.

Incidentally, The Witcher game series turns 6 today! For that reason, CD Projekt RED has launched their own contest with lots of sleek Witcher merchandise to win. Happy Birthday, Geralt of Games! And a great weekend to you all.

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