
The revolutionary Oculus Rift virtual gaming system should be making waves when it’s released— it markets itself as the one true virtual-gaming  headset that immerses the user in the experience.

Oculus’ CTO, John Carmack, (the lead programmer on many pioneering video games including Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, etc.) said, ”The way I believe it’s going to play out is you will eventually have a head-mounted display that probably runs Android, as a standalone system, that has a system-on-a-chip that’s basically like what you have in mobile phones.”

While the company plans to release their consumer version at some point next year, a new dev kit will be available soon. We’re looking to see how this new project pans out— it looks like it’ll definitely be something to keep an eye on. Check out a video after the break.

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Source: Engadget

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