Gmail banner

Last week, we showed you that the latest Gmail update for Android contained code that may potentially pave the way for advertisements to appear inside the Gmail app. Today, ads are starting to appear for some users, showing up inside the Promotional mail category folder.

Up until today, Gmail’s Android app has managed to stay ad-free, while the desktop version of Gmail has contained ads since it launched back in April 2004. Seeing as advertising is an extremely large portion of Google’s yearly revenue, it’s almost shocking that Gmail’s Android app has stayed ad-free for so long. While many readers were upset to hear that Google had plans to implement advertisements inside Gmail, rest assured, it’s not all that bad.

Gmail Ads

As you can see above, these ads don’t really look like advertisements themselves. They actually look very similar to an email message and tastefully so, show up inside the Promotional category folder alongside other advertisement based emails that you receive. If you never open the Promotional mail folder, you’ll never know that Gmail contains advertisements now. Not bad Google.

Are advertisements showing up in your Gmail app? What do you think?

[Source: AndroidWorld]

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