How well do you know 5th birthday celebration continues, and we came up with some fun activities essential to every nerd party in the universe. Namely, we want to play some trivia with you! There will be prizes, of course, because there have to be gifts in a birthday celebration. Since it is our party, you get to keep the gifts! We wouldn’t have it any other way. But, just to make it more fun, you’ll have to put some effort into getting them. For the next couple of days (let’s say: until Sunday), we’ll post a daily activity for you. A quiz, a puzzle, some trivia–you know: fun stuff. Each day you’ll get a chance to prove your gaming knowledge and familiarity with for a chance to get some free games. Our activity of choice today: a useless knowledge quiz, brought to you by Pictie the Unhappy, our very own media representative!

1. So, how old are we?
a) 43819.1 hours
b) 280.887 weeks
c) 1.578e+8 seconds

2. On what day precisely is’s Birthday (closed beta launch)?
a) Gai Jatra
b) National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
c) International Talk Like A Pirate Day

3. The number of games in the catalog as of Sunday, 29 September is:
a) 0042
b) 6174
c) 0x26C

4. The 3 values of are:
a) Liberté, égalité, fraternité
b) Veni, Vidi, Vici
c) No DRM, Fair Pricing, Customer Love

5. Finish Managing Director’s sentence: DRM solves piracy…
a) … like a BOSS!
b) … like left-handed golf clubs solve global warming.
c) … like a bag of concrete solves hunger.

6. How much is the GOGbook?
a) $399.99
b) $5.99
c) Priceless

7. On what day in 2013 was the indie submission page launched?
a) Summer solstice
b) Aviation Day
c) La Tomatina

8. Why did “those &%^*$*# shut the website down”?
a) Expanding to mobile
b) to get out of beta
c) Linux support

9. What did the monks apologize for?
a) Their nasty habits
b) PR stunt
c) The Spanish Inquisition

10. Which game in’s catalog is the oldest?
a) Zork
b) King’s Quest 1
c) Ultima 1

11. How many votes did System Shock 2 receive on the wishlist?
a) +35K
b) 10K
c) It was never on the list

12. What is the most wishlisted game currently NOT in’s catalog?
a) Star Wars: X-Wing
b) Grim Fandango
c) Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

13. What was the first Day 1 release on
a) The Witcher 2
b) Legend of Grimrock
c) Reus

14. Which of these D’n’D-based games was added to first:
a) Planescape: Torment
b) Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
c) Neverwinter Nights

15. Which of these games has been officially confirmed for release on
a) Half Life 3
b) Carmageddon Reiteration
c) Project Eternity

There’s only one correct answer to each of the above question. Can you pick all the right ones? Send your answers (in the format 1:a, 2:b, 3:a, etc.–this is just an example!) to [email protected] with the subject QUIZ. The first 20 people to guess correctly will be awarded with a $9.99 game. All other correct answers will enter a draw of 20 games $5.99 each.

You’ve got time until Saturday, September 28, at 2:59PM GMT. That’s 24 hours.
Have fun! 🙂

The 5th Birthday Trivia so far:
Word Search – now with a solution!
Riddles – now with a solution!

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