
Aside from a shiny new Nexus 5 handset expected to be unveiled later this year, it’s also time for Google to refresh the aging Nexus 10. Previously contracted by Samsung, it seems Google could be turning to the maker of their current 7-inch tablet, the ASUS Nexus 7. Outed in UK retailer PCWorld’s computer system is a “Google ASUS Nexus 10″ retailing for exactly £349.99.

Google ASUS Nexus 10 349.99

The man who leaked it — Twitter user Rage06 — claims the image was taken by him at the PC World where we assume he is employed. According to him, PCWorld wouldn’t list the device unless it was all but official, citing an occasion where he also tipped off the newly refreshed Google Nexus 7 (2013). Still no word on storage size, but at that price, it could be limited. Anyone interested in an ASUS-made, Google Nexus 10?

[via @evleaks]

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