BEHOLD! The Tournament of Legends is upon us! But why, you ask, have 10 mythological legends gathered on one plane of existence to do battle? Because the threads of an ancient tapestry say so. “Thread” has two meanings in this game: a thread could be the story of a character’s quest, but it’s also what each one-on-one battle is called…and the narrator constantly reminds you of these “threads.”

Battle “threads” are divided into three rounds, or “acts,” and the 3D fighting is simple; you can strike, block, dodge, and strike harder. You can’t jump or grab. Each fighter has an individual special attack, but (like Super Smash Bros. Brawl) all moves are mapped to the same button combinations across all the characters. While it’s an efficient system, I did find myself getting bored with the repetitious combat, even when I changed up to a different warrior.

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