android_kitkatThere’s a lot of excitement that’s coming with the news that the newest Android OS will be called KitKat, and not Key Lime Pie as everyone originally thought. A necessary step towards KitKat is of course the statue being erected among the Honeycomb, Gingerbread Man, Eclair, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean statues at Google’s headquarters. If you want to see KitKat man going up, you’re in luck, as Google has released a video showing just that.

But, what’s that 38 seconds into the video? It looks a lot like a new Nexus to us. It has a horizontal Nexus logo like the Nexus 7, but it’s definitely smaller than the tablet, and larger than the Nexus 4 right next to this mysterious device. There’s a huge camera with flash, and just maybe we can see an LG logo. What do you think? Click past the break to watch the video yourself.

Update: The video has now been set as private so something is up!!!

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