Indie Devs! Join the DRM-free revolution, reach more people, get an advance on royalties., in our continued efforts to bring you all the best games in history for PC and Mac, is looking to make it easier for indie game devs to submit their game to To that end, we have launched a new portal on today, containing the essential information on the way we work with our indie partners, and an easy entry form providing direct contact with our team. All this, and more, found under the URL:

For those of you who are fans of the service, this doesn’t mean much of a change, except that we hope we will have ever more exciting indie games to release while we continue our schedule of regular awesome classics as well. For those of you who are developing games, though, we hope to make this a painless process where you can be sure that you will hear honest feedback from us about your game and where we want it on

We are also disclosing our revenue share–a 70/30 share, as is industry standard–unless we offer you an advance on your royalties, in which case it’s a 60/40 share until we have recouped the cost of your advance. There’s been some speculation on the part of developers in the past as to what it is that we offer indie devs, and we wanted to make sure that was clear up front. We’ve invited some of our indie dev friends to talk briefly about the experience of putting their game on GOG,com, and here’s what they had to say:

If you’re a fan of classic games, brace yourself for a thundering great RPG on Thursday. If you’re a dev, fill out the form today, to join the DRM-free revolution, reach more people with your work, and possibly get an advance on royalties!

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