Google Glass

Those of you who are lucky enough to be sporting Google Glass you’re in for a treat. Google’s pushing the XE8 update to your optical device. With the update there are a lot of new features (a lot of user requests) for you to play with. They include:

  • Video Player – New controls over video playback ensure you never miss a moment. Tap a video to play it. Tap again to pause. If you missed something important, swipe backward to rewind, or swipe forward to skip the boring parts.
  • Path and Evernote – You can now update your Path feed by saying “ok glass, post an update.” Similarly, sending a note to Evernote is as easy as saying “ok glass, take a note.” To see the new voice actions in your voice action menu, you’ll need Path and Evernote Glassware turned on from the MyGlass Android app or website. This is just the beginning. More Glassware will support these and new voice actions over time.
  • Volume card in Settings: Set Glass’ volume from a new dedicated card in Glass’ Settings bundle. Or adjust it while in a phone or video call by tapping and setting it through card actions.
  • Checking your timeline – Swipe down to access your timeline and put the video call in the background, then continue to use other Glass features.
  • New contextual voice commands for Navigation – You can use things like, show route overview, hide route overview and stop directions.
  • Add a caption by voice after taking a picture or video – Share a picture or video and, when prompted on the display with the magic words “ok glass,” say “ok glass, add caption.”
  • #Hashtags in captions – Tag your shared pictures and videos with trending topics by adding a hashtag to them. When adding a caption, say hashtag and then the topic at hand.
  • Fluid Voice Commands – Try speaking naturally and chain your commands together in one fluid sentence. For example, try “ok glass, send a message to Kevin.”
  • Improved SMS support

  • Google Now Cards – Reservations and events, movies, public alerts, wishing someone a happy birthday.

Look for the update here within the next few days. It appears Google Glass is hitting its stride and you have a whole month to play with the new update before the next update comes out. We have a gallery after the break. Have fun!


source: Project Glass via Google+


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