Glory to Arstotzka!

Papers, Please, a dystopian thriller that plays out in the border document checkpoint of a totalitarian state in the early 1980s, challenging your morals and attention to detail, is available on for only $9.99.

Life in a totalitarian country is a experience that can easily be compared to balancing on a thin line over a firepit. If you value your life and have a family to support, there’s not much else left to do, but to work within the system. But the system is in no way fair and full of absurd regulations that would have been hilarious if the life and death didn’t depend upon them. The job that the state will give you will never bring you enough to make a living, so you’ll have to try and figure out some other ways to profit–and keep it secret. Even though everyone tries to cheat the state, or maybe because of that, anyone caught in the act faces the charge of treason. This does not end well. There are no exceptions, so even though in this game you will be a low-ranked state official, you will experience the bleak, depressing, and horrifying reality of a totalitarian system first-hand. Don’t worry–there is some humor here. That’s how people cope with oppression, after all!

Papers, Please is a unique game that takes such a basic concept as border checkpoint document control and builds an exciting, addictive, and emotional gameplay around it. With every day at the Grestin Border Checkpoint your job becomes more and more challenging with every new regulation coming from the Ministry of Admission. At the same time, the immigrants become more and more creative in their attempts to illegally sneak their way through the border. Back at home, you’ve got a family to provide for, while hunger, illness, and death are breathing down your neck. The simplistic, but stylish graphical style accents the intensity even further. Experience it yourself!

If you feel you could use some more appreciation for your job, your state, and your living conditions make sure to give the dystopian living a go in Papers, Please, for only $9.99 on The game comes bundled with The Republia Times and 6 degrees of Sabotage, two interesting earlier games from the same developer.

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