
It seems like it is a common occurrence that virtually every smartphone owner has dealt with at some point in time – misplacing a phone. Google’s Android team hopes to help with the release of a new app, Android Device Manager, that will make it possible to locate a missing phone in many instances. If a user has done something as simple as let their smartphone slip down into the couch cushions or accidently laid some papers on top of the device, the new app will help users with the age old trick of calling your device to make it ring. They are adding a twist though, as the ringer will chime at maximum volume, even if the device happened to be set on silent.

If a user finds themselves in the much more stressful position of having left their smartphone somewhere else, the Android Device Manager has a couple functions that can help. First, users can fire up a web browser on a computer and locate their device on a map. If the location is not where you think it should be, possibly indicating the device has been stolen and is now on the move, the app will also give users the ability to remotely wipe the device of all data.

Google indicates another feature coming will be the ability to find and manage your devices as opposed to firing up a computer to locate them. The new Android Device Manager will be available later in August for devices running Android 2.2 or above. Google does indicate you will have to be signed in to your Google Account in order to use it.

source: Android Official Blog

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