Atlantis series, Haegemonia, Syberia 1&2, MegaRace 1-3, and more Anuman Interactive games 60% off!

Discovery is one of the humans’ most basic needs. We eat, we drink, we sleep, we mate, and then we go someplace new. Some of us are more adventurous than others, but the need to see what lies beneath the hills is firmly rooted in the human soul. That’s why we always seek out new lands. That’s why we’re always fascinated by legends of lost civilizations. That’s why the unknown is our favorite direction. Oh yes, this can be a long and eventful weekend if you’re ready to make some Anuman Discoveries!

The stories of the lost land of Atlantis have filled our imagination with amazing visions for ages. The adventure games fueled by those vision can set the mood for further exploration of the unknown. Syberia, although it can be seemingly easy located on a map, is no less mysterious and strange than Atlantis. At least in the phenomenal point-and-clicks by the visionary Benoît Sokal, it is. If the earthly mysteries no longer excite you, you can always set out for the ultimate frontier, and explore space in Haegemonia: Gold Edition. Don’t expect your journey towards stars to be peaceful and uneventful, though!

Apart from strange and forgotten lands, and the distant reaches of space, there’s lots of games that wait to be discovered in our weekend offer. Titles of varied genre, size, and age wait for you in the promo page, and they’re all 60% off until Tuesday, July 23, at 3:59AM GMT. Don’t miss out!

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