
Since the Android 4.3 leak a few days ago, every nook and cranny of the software has been under some serious scrutiny for changes and improvements. One new, noticeable improvement in the latest version of Android is the font. It’s still Roboto, but it’s seen some very minor tweaks and subtle changes, as you can see in the picture above. The red lines indicate new Roboto fonts, and the black shows old Roboto fonts. It’s clearly not a major difference, but it’s been refined and cleaned up a bit.

The curves of many letters, especially in lowercase letters, have been refined and trimmed up, and punctuation has seen some big improvements, especially the comma. Overall, I think it’s definitely a nice improvement, and it’s good to see Google paying attention to details with Android. If you want a great, very detailed full teardown of the new font, hit the Android Police source below. If you want a more hands on approach, you can grab the fonts from the download links.

source: Android Police

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