
Google realizes that people nowadays are bringing their Android based tablets or smartphones to work. If anything it’s much of a necessity these days in the world we live in. Today the folks over at Google have added some nifty Android device management features that should be available now:

  1. Selective wipe – Remove Google Apps account data without wiping a user’s entire device.
  2. SD card wipe – During a full device wipe, wipe SD cards in addition to the internal memory.
  3. Device Policy app – Ensure that security policies are enforced across all devices by requiring the latest version of the Device Policy app.
  4. Wi-Fi configuration – Enter wi-fi settings in the Admin console once — and they’ll be automatically pushed out to all managed Android devices.

Google also suggests users should give their Mobile Admin app a shot. I know 99.9% of us already bring our smartphones with us to work, but if it isn’t prohibited, do you use your Android based smartphone/tablet at work often? If so, I’d love to know how much it helps you in your every day affairs. Let me know in the comments!

source: Google

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