
Bars are a place to be social and enjoy a brew, which unfortunately for some patrons means social networking and enjoying a browser instead. The Salve Jorge Bar in Sao Paulo, Brazil has found a solution to this problem in the bottom of a beer glass (literally). Designed by advertising agency Fischer & Friends, the Salve Jorge Bar now serves their beer in the Offline Glass, a glass designed to only stand straight when propped up on a smartphone. Hit the break for a video of the Offline Glass in action.

The Offline Glass is designed to “save people from the online world”, forcing drinkers to put down the phone and enjoy the atmosphere and company. Obviously the idea has its shortcomings (phones of various sizes being the biggest issue) but as the idea spreads I’m sure we will see more glasses of the like. As for condensation, the designer says the glass is shaped so the condensation does not drip down the side to your phone.

An innovative idea, it will be interesting to see if this catches on in other bars. Let us know in the comments what you think of the idea, or if you will just find a clever way to use your phone while balancing the glass.

Source: Phone Arena

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