
Today Google updated their Google+ app for Android and gave it some pretty cool new features. First off notifications are now system wide, thus when you swipe away a notification or access it, it won’t be repeated on another device that you may own. I know how annoying that can get for some. They’ve also changed the look of notifications by giving you a bell icon if there’s a new notification that needs to be attended to. Along with this is also a revamped notification tray to match Google’s other apps. For a complete changelog, hit the break!

Notifications sync:

  • When you read a notification on one device, we’ll mark it as read on your other devices
  • Likewise: dismissing a notification (with a swipe or a click) does so everywhere, so you can say goodbye to annoying repeats

Notifications tray:

  • A new bell icon (in the Google Bar, and in the mobile apps) that lets you know if anything’s waiting for you
  • An updated notifications tray that separates unread from previously-read items

Android app:

  • You can now delete your photos from the Photos view
  • Tapping into a post shows the number of +1′s, comments and reshares
  • The left-hand menu design is now more consistent with other Google apps

As for iOS users, this update will come to you as well in due time.

source: Google+

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