
Well first things first, and that is that yours truly was dead wrong. I posted on Friday that I felt that Verizon wouldn’t offer the HTC One and instead opt for the Butterfly 2 as in the DROID DNA 2. Well Verizon sent out a tweet announcing the HTC One will indeed land on Verizon later this Summer. I’m still shocked because it still doesn’t make any sense (no pun intended). One thing I was right on was the fact that Verizon always has an HTC device for the summer, but why would Verizon want to offer the One later this Summer after the other three U.S. carriers get a huge headstart? Later this summer means August to me, which is well after everyone else.

This must mean one of two things: Either HTC really pushed hard for this since they really want to get their brand out there or something went wrong with the Butterfly 2. The only other thing I can think of is that the new Butterfly will be marketed  with the word “One” in the name, and Verizon won’t actually have the same One as everyone else. It would be hard to bet any money on that notion when you consider that Verizon’s tweet clearly said “HTC One”. HTC has nothing to say other than they will provide additional details as the release date gets closer. Maybe one day I will understand how Verizon Wireless operates.

source: @VZWnews

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