
Well folks, some actual “real” facts have finally surfaced concerning the infamous Motorola X phone. Coming from Motorola’s own Dennis Woodside himself, the device will come out this October and most of it will be built in Fort Worth, Texas. Woodside even gave a slight tease mentioning the device is already in his pocket.

You can expect the device to feature a galore of sensors. One being a sensor that can detect when the device has been taken out of the pocket, and even a sensor that will detect how fast you’re currently traveling if you were to be in a car that way the phone will act differently for safety measures.

Sadly that’s all we know about the device, screen size, processor and everything else is still up in the air. I’m sure more about the device will surface sometime this summer as it will eventually have to pass through the FCC. Stay tuned!

source: All Things D

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