
We’ve seen tablets explode in popularity in just the last year or two, and as of right now, it doesn’t look like anything is going to slow down that momentum. According to IDC, in 2013, tablet shipments will pass portable computer shipments worldwide. This is partly thanks to tablets 58.7% growth year-over-year, and partly due to the PC market’s apparent slump in the past few quarters. IDC’s report credits much of this ecosystem change on tablets’ abilities to meet most core users’ needs while maintaining a lower price point. The average selling price of a tablet is expected to dip to a low $381, while the ASP of a PC in 2013 is around $635. For most users, it makes more sense to spend half the money when a tablet can handle all of your daily tasks. After surpassing laptop shipments, IDC expects tablets to take the crown from total PC shipments in 2015.

Tablets will only continue to get faster, more usable, and more affordable, and while I don’t think the PC will ever go the way of the dinosaur, I think it’s pretty clear the direction the average consumer’s computing is going to go.

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