Here’s your weekly Message From GOG!

It’s Friday! Let’s get the party started. Take two warriors (one of them may be a ninja), some magic-user, a healer and so on. There, a great party! A party of bold adventurers, that is, who will follow your lead through Wizardry 6+7 and Wizardry 8. That’s going to be a busy weekend for RPG fans–or a couple dozen weekends. Still, since it’s Friday, here’s a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven’t already, you might want to follow the channel on Youtube, so you won’t miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.

That’s it from us today. Check out our action-packed FPS Flashbomb promo, and have a nice weekend and get Wizzy with it!

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